At Ettie’s Field we look after Ettie’s environment.
We have and will continue to take care of the grounds and the natural environment.
At Ettie's there is a Leave no Trace policy.
What we have done so far to minimise Enviromental impact -
Create wildflower corridors and meadow areas, this provides areas of habitat benefiting bees and butterflies– but also a host of other wildlife.
We collect the seeds from the wildflowers so we can over seed and create more wildflower areas.
Once a year the wildflowers are cut down and composted along with the animal waste then used on the ground to help grow more flowers, plants & trees.
Planted over 300 trees. Trees give off oxygen that we need to breath they reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat.
We created an eco pond, this provides sanctuary by offering food, water, shelter, and a place for breeding of indigenous wildlife like dragonflies, frogs, and birds. We Included some plants that are native to the UK in and around the pond, these provide the best sources of food and cover for native wildlife.
We installed a Klargester Bio Disc. This is a sewage treatment plant it Uses rotating biological contractor technology the BioDisc delivers a pollution removal level in excess of 95%.
From October 2022 we have renewable electricity.
To heat the Boho-Tique we installed a pellet stove, this burns compressed wood .Wood pellets are one of the most eco-friendly forms of solid wood fuel available. They create almost no ash when being burnt, and are renewable (sourced from sustainable woodlands) so will not run out.
We supply a chimenea on each pitch and sell FSC wood FSC forest management certification confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers, while ensuring it sustains economic viability. FSC-certified forests are managed to strict environmental, social and economic standards.
The ash from the fires is then used on the composter
We use solar lighting at Ettie’s Field
Things we use at Ettie’s-
Who Gives a crap Toilet Roll The Feel Good Toilet Paper Company 50% of their Profits go to Charity to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.
We only use Eco cleaning products- Ecover & Duomax
We never use harsh chemicals at Ettie’s and never use weed killer, we like the more natural look.
No single use plastic are used anywhere at Ettie’s
Ettie's Boho-tique
We only source Fair Trade, Hand Crafted & Recycled products.
We use hand made recycled newspaper bags